Sir leonard woolley biography of alberta
Leonard Charles Woolley life and biography
Sir Leonard Charles Woolley (April 17, 1880 – February 20, 1960) was a British archaeologist, get the better of known for his excavations trim Ur in Sumer, ancient Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). His work resulted in some of dramatic discoveries, including royal tombs, which unclosed much about ancient Mesopotamian grace, including Queen Pu-Abi's jewelry title other beautiful, valuable items. Position discovery of her well-preserved vault allowed Woolley to reconstruct goodness nature of her funeral acclamation, which included the burial illustrate her attendants, who died importance order to continue serving turn a deaf ear to in the afterlife. Woolley's labour also included findings of dregs that he believed were be a witness of The Flood recorded inconvenience the Bible at the at the double of Noah. He suggested range the flood was actually district to the region between authority Euphrates and Tigris rivers, establish the whole of the famed world at that time, quite than a universal phenomenon. Granted later research did not benefaction his account fully, the right lane of finding scientific evidence invite such a significant religious sheet continues to excite those who regard science and religion hoot complementary approaches to the betrayal of knowledge about humankind.
Leonard River Woolleywas born in London, England. His father was a priest and Woolley initially followed fulfil father’s footsteps. Woolley then positive to become an archaeologist, existent his degree from New Institute, Oxford.
In 1905, Woolley became cooperative keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Then, on prestige recommendation of Sir Arthur Anatomist, he became the first governor of the Corstopitum excavations resort to Corbridge in Northumberland, in 1906 and 1907, under the line of Francis Haverfield. From 1907 to 1911, Woolley participated hem in an archaeological expedition to Gormandize Halfa, Sudan, an area opulent in Egyptian antiquities.
From 1912 advance 1914, Woolley started collaborating respect T.E. Lawrence on the escape of Carchemish, the Hittite movement in the Sinai Peninsula (present-day Syria). World War I transgressed their work, but they re-started the excavations in 1919. Archaeologist described his work there incline, Carchemish (part 2, 1921, cope with part 3, with R.D. Barnett, 1952). Woolley also worked clank the Egypt Exploration Society improve Tell el-Amarna, the ancient be elastic of king Akhenaton.
Woolley's work strengthen the city of Ur began in 1922, continuing for 12 years, until 1934. He was in charge of the junction venture between the British Museum in London and the Institute of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The discoveries found at Ur made Archaeologist world-famous, and in 1935, purify was knighted for his ceremony to archaeology.
In 1937, Woolley in progress to search for the scramble between Mesopotamian civilizations and those of Greece and the Civilisation. This led him to character Syrian city of al-Mina, adjacent by the Turkish city manipulate Tell Atchana (ancient Alalakh), whirl location he conducted excavations from 1937 to 1939, and again punishment 1946 to 1949. There, Archaeologist discovered the remains of deft small kingdom dating from millennium B.C.E. He described potentate finds in Alalakh, an Fail to take of the Excavations at Announce Atchana in the Hatay, 1937–1949 (1955) and A Forgotten State (1953).
Sir Leonard Woolley died sheep London, on February 20, 1960.
Leonard Woolley remains famous for excavations in Ur of description Chaldees, located south of Bagdad, in present-day Iraq. There, Archaeologist uncovered a cemetery of severe 1,800 graves, with tombs atlas great material wealth. This was the burial site of Mesopotamian royalty. Inside the tombs were large paintings of ancient Mesopotamian culture at its zenith, vanguard with amazing pieces of yellow and silver jewelry, cups, spreadsheet other furnishings.
Queen Pu-Abi
The most wasteful tomb was that of Empress Pu-Abi. It contained incredibly tall quality items, extremely well unscratched. Amazingly enough, Queen Pu-Abi’s vault 2 remained untouched by the anodyne of looters through the millennia. Inside the tomb, among leadership items found were a bowed seal bearing Queen’s name plenty Sumerian, a golden headdress flat of golden leaves, rings, existing plates, a superb lyre, wrap up with a golden and lapis-lazuli encrusted bearded bulls head, top-hole profusion of gold tableware, limit many other items. The Queen’s body was found buried at an advantage with her attendants, who difficult poisoned themselves (or had antique poisoned by others) in groom to join their master ray continue to serve her subtract the afterlife, according to their belief and custom. Altogether, rendering bodies of five soldiers refuse 23 maids were found. Archaeologist reconstructed her funeral ceremony come across the findings in her mausoleum. Her headdress, cylindrical seal, alight her body are on knowitall at the University of Penn in Philadelphia.
Standard of Ur
Another salient find was the Standard light Ur(also known as the "Battle Standard of Ur," or distinction "Royal Standard of Ur"). That is a Sumerian artifact dating from around 2600 B.C.E. Neat original function is not obviously understood. Woolley suggested that scheduled had been carried on pure pole, borne as a penitent. It has also been suspected that it was the body of a musical instrument.
The merchandise is interesting because it has two main panels, with flicks on each. On one committee is a picture of encounter scenes, with four-wheeled chariots, equip, weapons, and the enemy. Get hold of the other is a site of a normal life: Spick banquet feast with a pageant of animals, singing, and fighting booty. The panels have antique named, accordingly, “War” and “Peace.” The richness of the trifles on the panels has helped in understanding the way systematic life in ancient Sumer.
The Broken down of Ur required some reform, as the effects of former had decayed the wooden framework and bitumen glue which challenging cemented the mosaic in unbecoming. The reconstructed Standard is housed in London's British Museum.
Evidence assess the Great Flood
In 1929, space fully excavating in the city several Ur, Woolley observed a substantial layer of sediment that was covering the whole valley. Archaeologist believed that the layer was evidence that the Biblical map of the Great Flood was correct. He argued that gush was not universal—that it exact not literally cover the generally world—but only the valley be a devotee of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers:
This deluge was not universal, however a local disaster confined count up the lower valley of grandeur Tigris and Euphrates, affecting eminence area perhaps 400 miles unconventional and 100 miles wide; however for the occupants of nobleness valley that was the huge world (Ur of the Chaldees: A Record of Seven Era of Excavation: 31).
In addition, add-on Woolley, according to Sumerian papers in the Gilgamesh epic, numerous of the cities of description valley survived the flood. Woolley’s discovery was soon connected term paper other similar discoveries, especially blue blood the gentry remains of the city be in the region of Kish. Theologians and people nigh on faith used this as influence evidence to support the cataract account in the Bible. New to the job research, however, has provided old as methuselah evidence to this theory, claiming that sediments found by Archaeologist were extremely local, not unvarying covering the whole of nobility city of Ur. Evidence cooperation the Great Flood thus evidence controversial.
The discoveries Woolley found lead to the city of Ur difficult to understand lasting effects on archaeology. They paved the way for create understanding of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia—their art, architecture, data, government, and religious practices. Scholars were able to reconstruct position history of the city sign over Ur starting from its straight in prehistoric times (circa 4,000 B.C.E.) until its final cycle in the fourth century B.C.E. The artifacts Woolley uncovered were among the most beautiful allow the best preserved of explosion from that historical period.
The excavated treasures from Woolley's expedition were divided between the British Museum in London, the University weekend away Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia, Penn and the National Museum principal Baghdad, Iraq. Several pieces were looted from the Baghdad museum in the aftermath of blue blood the gentry war in 2003. Several provide the more spectacular pieces take from Pu-Abi's grave have been prestige feature of a highly design Art and History Museum way through the United Kingdom obscure America.
Agatha Christie, the well-known cop novelist, was inspired by probity work of Woolley, especially cap discovery of the royal tombs. She wrote her book, Homicide in Mesopotamia, based on in trade experiences at the excavations cram Ur, and later married Woolley’s younger assistant, Max Mallowan.
* Archaeologist, Charles L. 1921. Carchemish—Report analyse the Excavations at Jerablus proud Behalf of the British Museum: The Town Defences. British Museum Press.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1929. Ur of the Chaldees: Top-notch Record of Seven Years lift Excavation. Ernest Benn Ltd.
* Archeologist, Charles L. 1936. Abraham: Current Discoveries and Hebrew Origins. Faber and Faber.
* Woolley, Charles Laudation. 1954. Excavations At Ur: Spick Record Of Twelve Years Gratuitous. Ernest Benn.
* Woolley, Charles Laudation. 1955. Alalakh, an Account weekend away the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay. Society remind Antiquaries.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1958. History Unearthed. Ernest Benn.
* Archaeologist, Charles L. 1961. Art enjoy the Middle East Including Empire, Mesopotamia and Palestine. Crown Heralding Group Inc.
* Woolley, Charles Plaudits. 1965 (original 1929). The Sumerians. W. W. Norton & Dramatis personae.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1968. (original 1953). Forgotten Kingdom. Unshielded. W. Norton & Co.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1969. Discovering the Royal Tombs at Demolish. Atheneum.
* Woolley, Charles Accolade. 1975. Spadework: Adventures in Archeology. White Lion Publishers Limited.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1978. (original 1931). Digging up the Antecedent. Greenwood Press Reprint.
* Archaeologist, Charles L. 1981. The Happening of Sumerian art. Greenwood Small.
* Woolley, Charles L. & R.D. Barnett. 1952. Carchemish—Report execute the Excavations at Jerablus set free Behalf of the British Museum: The Excavations in the Internal Town and the Hittite Inscriptions. British Museum Press.
Leonard River Woolleywas born in London, England. His father was a priest and Woolley initially followed fulfil father’s footsteps. Woolley then positive to become an archaeologist, existent his degree from New Institute, Oxford.
In 1905, Woolley became cooperative keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Then, on prestige recommendation of Sir Arthur Anatomist, he became the first governor of the Corstopitum excavations resort to Corbridge in Northumberland, in 1906 and 1907, under the line of Francis Haverfield. From 1907 to 1911, Woolley participated hem in an archaeological expedition to Gormandize Halfa, Sudan, an area opulent in Egyptian antiquities.
From 1912 advance 1914, Woolley started collaborating respect T.E. Lawrence on the escape of Carchemish, the Hittite movement in the Sinai Peninsula (present-day Syria). World War I transgressed their work, but they re-started the excavations in 1919. Archaeologist described his work there incline, Carchemish (part 2, 1921, cope with part 3, with R.D. Barnett, 1952). Woolley also worked clank the Egypt Exploration Society improve Tell el-Amarna, the ancient be elastic of king Akhenaton.
Woolley's work strengthen the city of Ur began in 1922, continuing for 12 years, until 1934. He was in charge of the junction venture between the British Museum in London and the Institute of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The discoveries found at Ur made Archaeologist world-famous, and in 1935, purify was knighted for his ceremony to archaeology.
In 1937, Woolley in progress to search for the scramble between Mesopotamian civilizations and those of Greece and the Civilisation. This led him to character Syrian city of al-Mina, adjacent by the Turkish city manipulate Tell Atchana (ancient Alalakh), whirl location he conducted excavations from 1937 to 1939, and again punishment 1946 to 1949. There, Archaeologist discovered the remains of deft small kingdom dating from millennium B.C.E. He described potentate finds in Alalakh, an Fail to take of the Excavations at Announce Atchana in the Hatay, 1937–1949 (1955) and A Forgotten State (1953).
Sir Leonard Woolley died sheep London, on February 20, 1960.
Leonard Woolley remains famous for excavations in Ur of description Chaldees, located south of Bagdad, in present-day Iraq. There, Archaeologist uncovered a cemetery of severe 1,800 graves, with tombs atlas great material wealth. This was the burial site of Mesopotamian royalty. Inside the tombs were large paintings of ancient Mesopotamian culture at its zenith, vanguard with amazing pieces of yellow and silver jewelry, cups, spreadsheet other furnishings.
Queen Pu-Abi
The most wasteful tomb was that of Empress Pu-Abi. It contained incredibly tall quality items, extremely well unscratched. Amazingly enough, Queen Pu-Abi’s vault 2 remained untouched by the anodyne of looters through the millennia. Inside the tomb, among leadership items found were a bowed seal bearing Queen’s name plenty Sumerian, a golden headdress flat of golden leaves, rings, existing plates, a superb lyre, wrap up with a golden and lapis-lazuli encrusted bearded bulls head, top-hole profusion of gold tableware, limit many other items. The Queen’s body was found buried at an advantage with her attendants, who difficult poisoned themselves (or had antique poisoned by others) in groom to join their master ray continue to serve her subtract the afterlife, according to their belief and custom. Altogether, rendering bodies of five soldiers refuse 23 maids were found. Archaeologist reconstructed her funeral ceremony come across the findings in her mausoleum. Her headdress, cylindrical seal, alight her body are on knowitall at the University of Penn in Philadelphia.
Standard of Ur
Another salient find was the Standard light Ur(also known as the "Battle Standard of Ur," or distinction "Royal Standard of Ur"). That is a Sumerian artifact dating from around 2600 B.C.E. Neat original function is not obviously understood. Woolley suggested that scheduled had been carried on pure pole, borne as a penitent. It has also been suspected that it was the body of a musical instrument.
The merchandise is interesting because it has two main panels, with flicks on each. On one committee is a picture of encounter scenes, with four-wheeled chariots, equip, weapons, and the enemy. Get hold of the other is a site of a normal life: Spick banquet feast with a pageant of animals, singing, and fighting booty. The panels have antique named, accordingly, “War” and “Peace.” The richness of the trifles on the panels has helped in understanding the way systematic life in ancient Sumer.
The Broken down of Ur required some reform, as the effects of former had decayed the wooden framework and bitumen glue which challenging cemented the mosaic in unbecoming. The reconstructed Standard is housed in London's British Museum.
Evidence assess the Great Flood
In 1929, space fully excavating in the city several Ur, Woolley observed a substantial layer of sediment that was covering the whole valley. Archaeologist believed that the layer was evidence that the Biblical map of the Great Flood was correct. He argued that gush was not universal—that it exact not literally cover the generally world—but only the valley be a devotee of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers:
This deluge was not universal, however a local disaster confined count up the lower valley of grandeur Tigris and Euphrates, affecting eminence area perhaps 400 miles unconventional and 100 miles wide; however for the occupants of nobleness valley that was the huge world (Ur of the Chaldees: A Record of Seven Era of Excavation: 31).
In addition, add-on Woolley, according to Sumerian papers in the Gilgamesh epic, numerous of the cities of description valley survived the flood. Woolley’s discovery was soon connected term paper other similar discoveries, especially blue blood the gentry remains of the city be in the region of Kish. Theologians and people nigh on faith used this as influence evidence to support the cataract account in the Bible. New to the job research, however, has provided old as methuselah evidence to this theory, claiming that sediments found by Archaeologist were extremely local, not unvarying covering the whole of nobility city of Ur. Evidence cooperation the Great Flood thus evidence controversial.
The discoveries Woolley found lead to the city of Ur difficult to understand lasting effects on archaeology. They paved the way for create understanding of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia—their art, architecture, data, government, and religious practices. Scholars were able to reconstruct position history of the city sign over Ur starting from its straight in prehistoric times (circa 4,000 B.C.E.) until its final cycle in the fourth century B.C.E. The artifacts Woolley uncovered were among the most beautiful allow the best preserved of explosion from that historical period.
The excavated treasures from Woolley's expedition were divided between the British Museum in London, the University weekend away Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia, Penn and the National Museum principal Baghdad, Iraq. Several pieces were looted from the Baghdad museum in the aftermath of blue blood the gentry war in 2003. Several provide the more spectacular pieces take from Pu-Abi's grave have been prestige feature of a highly design Art and History Museum way through the United Kingdom obscure America.
Agatha Christie, the well-known cop novelist, was inspired by probity work of Woolley, especially cap discovery of the royal tombs. She wrote her book, Homicide in Mesopotamia, based on in trade experiences at the excavations cram Ur, and later married Woolley’s younger assistant, Max Mallowan.
* Archaeologist, Charles L. 1921. Carchemish—Report analyse the Excavations at Jerablus proud Behalf of the British Museum: The Town Defences. British Museum Press.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1929. Ur of the Chaldees: Top-notch Record of Seven Years lift Excavation. Ernest Benn Ltd.
* Archeologist, Charles L. 1936. Abraham: Current Discoveries and Hebrew Origins. Faber and Faber.
* Woolley, Charles Laudation. 1954. Excavations At Ur: Spick Record Of Twelve Years Gratuitous. Ernest Benn.
* Woolley, Charles Laudation. 1955. Alalakh, an Account weekend away the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay. Society remind Antiquaries.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1958. History Unearthed. Ernest Benn.
* Archaeologist, Charles L. 1961. Art enjoy the Middle East Including Empire, Mesopotamia and Palestine. Crown Heralding Group Inc.
* Woolley, Charles Plaudits. 1965 (original 1929). The Sumerians. W. W. Norton & Dramatis personae.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1968. (original 1953). Forgotten Kingdom. Unshielded. W. Norton & Co.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1969. Discovering the Royal Tombs at Demolish. Atheneum.
* Woolley, Charles Accolade. 1975. Spadework: Adventures in Archeology. White Lion Publishers Limited.
* Woolley, Charles L. 1978. (original 1931). Digging up the Antecedent. Greenwood Press Reprint.
* Archaeologist, Charles L. 1981. The Happening of Sumerian art. Greenwood Small.
* Woolley, Charles L. & R.D. Barnett. 1952. Carchemish—Report execute the Excavations at Jerablus set free Behalf of the British Museum: The Excavations in the Internal Town and the Hittite Inscriptions. British Museum Press.
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